“Zoom Basics" Training for SCLC Tutors

Peggy's “Zoom Basics" Training for SCLC tutors
is especially for Zoom “newbies” or
for anyone wanting to review their Zoom skills

the following Tuesdays
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Sept 28, Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19, & Oct 26, 2021

Each week will cover different topics with time for questions and practice. You can choose one or all. Topics include:

Week 1: Screensharing Novel Scenes; Advanced Settings, Host, Cohosts, and Alt Hosts, Zooming Terminology

Week 2: Basic Features: Mic/Mute, Video, Speaker vs Gallery View; Using the Chat Feature; Screensharing 2 newspapers

Week 3: Zoom web browser vs Desktop Client (App); Scheduling and Inviting to a meeting; Entering and Ending meetings

Week 4; Breakout Rooms, Polls, Screensharing Side-by-Side

Week 5: Understanding other devices to help your students in Zoom; Practice Screensharing & finding your way back to Zoom


To sign up, email Peggy at


and include the SUBJECT LINE “ZOOM BASICS: